Dedicated Team

Objectively innovate empowered manufactured products whereas parallel platforms. Holisticly predominate extensible testing procedures for reliable supply chains. Dramatically engage top-line web services vis-a-vis cutting-edge deliverables.


A pioneer in offshore outsourcing, Yopiq offers dependable and long-term relationships that turn innovative ideas into reality. We combine state-of-the-art technology with our strategic know-how to provide services that can satisfy various client needs. We have extensive experience providing offshore software development services and solutions that adhere to quality standards. For your company, we provide a larger staff of software developers. Our offshore software solutions can assist you in stepping up your business performance levels to achieve your business objectives in this quickly evolving business environment.

Yopiq serves as an offshore software development hub for a variety of sectors and fields. As a result, we build and maintain teams across a wide range of technologies to offer the best solutions for the unique demands of our clients. For both medium-sized and sophisticated projects, we may assemble a dedicated offshore software development team. To provide the best products and outcomes, our offshore software development services and solutions combine solid business domain experience with the skills of top developers. To ensure that our projects are of the highest quality, they are developed using the most up-to-date processes and technologies.

Our Offshore Software Development Approach

With our offshore software development services, we want to provide you with numerous advantages. As a leading offshore outsourcing firm, we adhere to an agile mentality for all of our services, which is represented by the following process:

  • Identify Expectations: When it comes to offshore software development, our professionals go in-depth to understand your expectations regarding application users, anticipated functions, and the software’s intended usage. This is a crucial stage in establishing comfort and trust as well as setting realistic expectations.
  • Making an Offshore Plan: To give our client partners freedom and control over the project, our offshore software development centre makes sure to outline the timetables, needs, and ROI driven strategy. At this point, we also make sure to sign an NDA.
  • Examine Current Technologies, Processes, and Products: When beginning an offshore software development project, we also take into account the current technological stack, any third-party tools that are being utilised, and the development process. This helps us align technology and personnel to enhance the ones that are already in place. Whether it is your first project, we make sure to use technologies that are suitable for the future.
  • Describe: Agile and lean development are principles that our organisation upholds. The product features are categorised by our experts. It gives you more control and a transparent development process.
  • Putting Together a Team and a Contract: Depending on your unique requirements, our organisation will send you a team or a single developer. You can relax knowing that the talent is top-notch in the field and will undoubtedly meet your needs for development. After that, we and you will both sign a document outlining all the terms and conditions.

Concerned about outsourcing software?

How can I access and manage my offshore team of developers?
Between your developer/team and you, there won’t be any management layers from a third party. You will always have immediate access. We will provide a tech manager who will serve as a point of contact whenever necessary.

Will the developer I’ve assigned to the project get along with the rest of my development team?
Certainly! The software developer you’ve been allocated can easily function as one of your own employees. So, whether you have your team or want to hire more software developers, our developer will cheerfully work as your employee.

Why ought I to work with you as opposed to other offshore software development firms?
Yopiq employs a flexible and efficient methodology. We have developers who put a strong emphasis on technology, adaptability, teamwork, high-quality outcomes, and continuous improvement.

Being one of the best offshore software development firms, we strive to offer top-notch, cost-effective offshore software development services while always upholding the highest standards of quality. As a result, you may work together with complete assurance.

What will happen if I’m not satisfied with my offshore developer’s performance?
If our developer’s performance isn’t up to your standards, you’ll obtain a substitute resource right away at no extra charge.

Advantages of Our Offshore Development Services

By developing practical applications, Yopiq facilitates long-lasting and trusted relationships and helps bring innovative ideas to life quickly and effectively. We can completely handle all of your organization’s needs because we are a top software development firm.

Cost Efficiency: We offer all of our offshore software development services at extremely affordable rates.

Risk Minimization: Our quality control systems and tried-and-true development methods reduce the risks associated with the development of any offshore project.

Protection of Your Project Information: Your project will be completely safeguarded thanks to our employee confidentiality contracts and NDAs.

Flexible Approach: We always employ flexible development models to order our operations in accordance with the demands of our clientele.

Actionable Insights: Our programmers analyse data patterns to find business-relevant, useful insights.

High-Quality: Our business consistently upholds excellence and offers top-tier software products. Every project is completed in accordance with industry best practises and international standards.

work with us

Some interesting facts & numbers.

Client Success
Proactively envisioned multimedia based expertise and cross-media growth strategies.
Projects Done
Seamlessly visualize quality intellectual capital without superior collaboration.
Clients Total
Completely pursue scalable customer service through scalable proactive metrics.
Awards achieved
Seamlessly empower fully researched growth strategies and interoperable organic sources.

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Keeping your eye on the ball while performing a deep dive on the start-up mentality to derive convergence.

1116, Shivalik Satyamev,
Ambli, Ahmedabad, India
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